Wild & Sublime

Sexy summer entertainment!

Karen Yates Season 6 Episode 18
Listen to performers from past live Chicago Wild & Sublime shows as they heat up your earbuds. Plus audiences tell us what sex secrets they’re keeping, and Karen presents a Sermon on the Pubic Mound about great sex.

In this episode:

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Wild & Sublime S6E18 –Sexy Summer Entertainment



 Alan Colorado:

Well, it's no secret to anybody that if you have a cock or a dick or whatever, it doesn't always work all the time.

 Karen Yates: Welcome to Wild & Sublime, a sexy spin on infotainment, no matter your preferences, orientation or relationship style,. Based on the popular live Chicago show, I chat about sex and relationships with citizens from the world of sex positivity and comedy, you’ll hear meaningful conversations, dialogs that go deeper, and information that can help you become more free in your sexual expression. I’m sex educator Karen Yates, our monthly patreon supporters pay for a large part of our operating expenses. Their contributions from $5 on up, help us big time. Plus members get discounts on show tickets and merch and receive wild and sublime news before anyone else and more interested in helping us spread the message of sex positivity. Go to patreon.com/wildand sublime.

Karen Yates: Hello folks! I hope you are having an excellent summer. I’ve been in Chicago, working on a book, but did manage to get up to Michigan recently, which was wonderfully rejuvenating and reminded me that it is good to rest!

 Before we finish out this pod cast season, I wanted to get out some episodes from recent live shows. Today you’ll be hearing some performers we’ve had on in the past six or seven months. In the first half, from our May 4th 2024 Chicago show, you’ll hear erotic poet B performing some of her sexy poems, followed by a brief interview with her work wife Lee Honey about their storytelling event at GD2 dungeon. In the second half you’ll hear a kinky story from Mistress BlaqueIvory from our December 9, 2023 show, followed by recurring guest storyteller Alan Colorado and my Sermon on the Pubic Mound.

And now we’ll begin with some audience responses to a prompt I gave folks at our May show. The prompt was “The sex secret I am keeping is___”

Karen Yates  

[live show] You all gave me some very wonderful secret keeping prompts. So thank you. Quite juicy. I appreciate, I appreciate your honesty. So here are some prompts that you so generously wrote. "One of the sex secrets that I am keeping is I think I want my monogamous marriage to become an open relationship. "Yes, you see the audiences with you. They will help you. I know, I know they will just get on a table and shout it. You will make a lot of new friends. All right. All right. Here's the second one. "The sex secret I am keeping is I want to start having sex with men." Well, yes, okay, I don't know which way you fly, but that's a very interesting thing. "I want to be in a throuple so bad." Yeah, all right, how about this? "I really want to try some dark age play." Just sharing our secrets. That's all we're doing. We're just sharing our secrets tonight. Okay? "People only want to have sex with me because society considers me hot. Meanwhile, I'm lonely as fuck." [audience sighs sadly.] Yeah, yeah.... You know, a lot of supermodels say they sit at home on Saturday night, then it's ---no serious! It's like, I've read multiple accounts of this in the paper, not that I know any supermodels, but this is what, this is what I've heard. All right? Sometimes, okay. "So sometimes I fake orgasms because I love how good it makes my partner feel to know I'm satisfied [audience groan] which I am regardless." That's what this person said. All right, so I am really excited about this next act, erotic poet B. Erotic poet B is an erotic event coordinator and chaos agent, and tonight, you will be experiencing her as a poet. Help me welcome B!



Alright. So I have a few pieces that I would like to share this poem I wrote is based on a cento poem. And a cento essentially is you're taking an existing work and re using those lines within them to create a new a new work of art. This piece is called gently, and it is sourced from the artist by Tiana Marie and Force Majeur Sistina for Pauli and by Andrew ingleson from the seaf litter literary art anthology. And SEAP is the Seattle erotic art festival. So again, this title is called Gently. Tender kisses and gentle embraces/ I do not want use your teeth/ bite down into me and paint my skin in bruised shades/ as your rough hands claim to rain succumbing to the pleasure of pain's grasp. /My soul opening. The next piece was inspired by me masturbating, where other great pieces of work is invented, you know, or comes or is in creation. So this one is called the Midnight Hour. It's times like this when I get lonely/ I call on you because the real thing just won't do/ however loyal, like a dog, you always answer/ no words, just whirrrrs when I turn you on/ feeling the calm vibrations of the first speed in my hand./ It's welcoming/ I guide you to my lips, tracing your perfectly sculpted tip,/ using my tongue only to find my mouth filled with your girth,/ my throat expands as your temperature grows warmer. /Soaked in anticipation, your head starts to snake down every curve, /reaching your destination inside of me. B./ Your speed intensifies as your firm ridges massages my walls,/ I become your sound. My body's buzzing, humming, pulsating/ from every inch you give me until I pull you out, covering your purple exterior in a translucent film,/ I melt into my bed.



Alright, last one. So this one, I actually this is the one that I submitted to seaf this year and was accepted for. So this one is an erotic cannibalism piece. Okay, so I call it Flesh and Bone. Succulent, sweet meat tantalize my taste buds, satiate my appetite, tenderize your body and hues of purple, seeing the blood bubble to the top but not break the surface, unhinge my jaw so I can stuff you in my mouth, watering for tender morsels that fall off the tailbone, sink my teeth to pierce your flesh, using my lips to latch as I bathe my tongue in your broth of Salt and iron, suck you dry, swallow the marrow, savor your taste my favorite meal. [applause]


Karen Yates  

We're also going to bring Lee Honey up, B's comrade in arms, please help me. Welcome to the stage, visual artist, cartoonist, dabbler of erotic poetry and lovable himbo Lee Honey! 


Karen Yates  

We're going to talk a little bit about an event that Lee Honey and B coordinate. You both run an event at Galleria domain, or GD2, as most of us know it, a dungeon in town. Can you tell me what the event is called and tell us a little bit about it?


Lee Honey  

Do you want to kick us off?



Sure, boo, 


Lee Honey  

thank you, wife



Yeah. So, as mentioned, we do host an erotic storytelling at GD two on the monthly basis. And so essentially, what it is is that we open the floor, the doors the dungeon, if you will, to allow both kinksters and sexy vanilla folk, because everyone is in kinky now, and that's okay, but nonetheless, we invite, we created the space to allow everyone to kind of come together, to share their sexy but also not so sexy stories, because eroticism is not only focused around pleasurable experiences. I'm sure we all have experienced displeasure, too when it comes to erotic relationships and experiences. Child, okay, Am I preaching? I'm about to, honey, this is why you don't give me the mic. But going back to the event, we do allow a maximum of five minutes, though, for people to come up and share their story again. This can be something that a person wrote personally from their own experience or from their own fantasies, or it can be something that someone else wrote as well, just making sure that you're crediting back to that original source.


Karen Yates  

And so, Lee, how long has been going on?


Lee Honey  

So finally, funny that you asked, we actually had our two year anniversary this past February, and in honor of that, B and I became work wives. 



We became work wivee. We married! 


Lee Honey  

We married, not legally, though, just to be clear. So


Karen Yates  

what, what did this? Did you do the ceremony at the event? 


Lee Honey  

Of course we did. that was we had a whole like Song put on. We had a best man/maid of honor walk us onto the stage and officiate . It was a whole spectacle. 


Karen Yates  

Was there a cake?


Lee Honey  

No, we didn't have a budget. [laughs]


Karen Yates  

It happens. It happens. Listen, we try so when people is this sometimes like someone's first time ever telling a story. Do you see that happening? 


Lee Honey  

Oh, absolutely. We have a couple of people who are regulars, who have been there maybe a couple months ago and come back. We have people who it's their first time at their. Event, and they're sharing something. We've had people who like, it's their first time sharing their work ever publicly, you know, and like, a lot of the times, if it's their first time, they might be a little shy, so we try to do our best to hype them up from the seats, from the audience, to help be like, hey, share your work. We're all here with you, and it's a great time. 


Karen Yates  

And so like, what? What do you notice when you see people, like, perhaps people telling their own erotic story? Like, what happens to them once they have told it? Or, like, is there, is there sort of a change that overcomes people?



That's a good question. I feel that they do feel more excited and more confident to want to share their story and pieces more. Some people even want to possibly, you know, expand and, you know, share their stories, you know, on a different platform as well. And so I think it our event gives people the space and what we've also heard, per our feedback and reviews, just find us on Yelp, just kidding. Maybe one day, maybe one day. But no people have told us that, you know, it has been a great space for them to one yes, come challenge themselves, if that's something that they want to do, if they're, you know, inspired by the erotic or the spirit of the erotic, to share a story, but also allowing them to be themselves as well and to feel safe in that and


Karen Yates  

how many folks come to the event? 


Lee Honey  

Typically, I would say that just depends on the day we've had people where it is, like, fully packed, like to the point where we have, you know, volunteers of GD2 help to come in and pull out extra chairs. We've had shows where it's only like 10 people, but, you know, and B feel free to correct me, but you know, I think the two of us like make an effort, regardless of if it's 20 plus people or if it's just me and being one other person in the crowd to still bring the energy and have a good time.



Yep, as Miyamoto Musashi said, who wrote, who wrote the Book of Five Rings, "10 or 10,000" so either it's 10 people in the room or 10,000 people in the room. You still gonna get fools out of us and have a good time regardless. Okay, listen,


Lee Honey  

We bring the tomfoolery.


Karen Yates  

So how can people sort of keep in, keep abreast of, like, the how often the storytelling event is, just keep going back to GD2 calendar. Or is there a way to just, do you send anything out ever 



Like, as far as our events promotion goes, we you can find it through GD two's website. So galleriadomain.org, under their events tab in the menu, you will be able to find their list of events that they'll be having for that month. And then you can also, if you're on FetLife, which is basically social media for kink, BDSM fetish folks, you can find it through GD2's profile that way as well. 


Karen Yates  

Awesome, awesome. Thank you very much. B and Lee, Honey,


Lee Honey  

thank you. Thank you.


Karen Yates  

All right, let's go back to the prompts. They were quite numerous. 


"The secret I am keeping. I am a kissing bandit." What…? I love that I don't really I mean, I've heard of it, but Whoo, okay. I Okay, here's the secret this person's keeping. "I love sucking my dick. I would fuck myself if I could." Well, wouldn't we all! I mean, man, good for you to be able to suck your dick. Secret I'm keeping. "I want to go down on my partner tonight.Heeeheee." 


" I love how nerdy my partner looks. She looks so innocent, but she be tearing my pussy up as she, as she..." oh, shit. "Rims me." Oh! "tells me!" Freudian slip!  as she tells me, I'm a good girl and such a good little kitten." Yeah!


 "my secret. I think fishnets look great on men." Is that a secret? I thought that was fact! All right, what the secret I'm keeping? "I just ate my partner's ass for the first time, and I loved it!" This is a very butt, friendly crowd. If you haven't figured that out, "here's my secret. I'm a straight woman, but I like Boobs." the universal love of boobs. "I am a very sexual person. I'm a very sexual person who feels very inadequate at being good at it." Aww. I know. I've got some real, real secrets coming out in the open, "the sex secret I'm holding or I'm keeping, is that giving blow jobs sometimes makes me feel used and degraded, but I'm really good at it, so I do it anyway." I think we've all been there. "The sex secret I'm keeping right now is I'm having a lot less sex than people think I am." I know sad. "The sex secret I'm keeping is the new guy I'm dating is Basic in bed." Oh, wince! A wincing moment. 


Karen Yates: [midroll] Did you know the Wild & Sublime, twice-monthly newsletter has news, views and tips about sexuality delivered to your inbox, plus info on the latest pod episodes and upcoming live show? How do you get this for yourself? Sign up at Wildandsublime.com


[to listener] This very kinky story from Chicago performer Mistress BlaqueIvory from our Dec 9th, 2023 show reminds us to always know our safe word.



Karen Yates  

[live show] Intimacy coach and Clinical Massage Therapist. Mistress BlaqueIvory will be sharing a memoir of a darling. Help me welcome Mistress BlaqueIvory!


Mistress BlaqueIvory  

Good evening. So I am so snatch mistress, black ivory the bedroom Slayer, aka the kinky connoisseur. My story is about a Playtime for Mistress.... 


Mistress BlaqueIvory  

Are you ready? Are you ready for this playtime with mistress? Bud plugs, maybe a ball gag. How about a little electro stim play? I'm not sure if you're ready. Do you remember your safe word? Because we are ready to begin. Now is not the time for me to stake my claim on you, but Oh, when I do, Oh, watch out, because Hell's doors are going to unleash all the pleasure that I pay to be. Let's begin to play. But you know, some say there are only so many roads to pleasure. Nobody knows the directions of how to get there. So shall we find them together? Because, you know, I've spent many, many years--I'm not going to share my age with you tonight-- finding ways to make toes curl, hearts race, eyes roll and those asses clench so as I resuscitate your leash of pleasure, where's my strap? Where is that strap? Let's see. Are you ready for a little grinding, a little kneading, a lot of rolling those thick thighs, but oh, don't worry, Mistress, is ready to play. Do you want me to strap up? Are you sure? I don't think you're ready for that just yet, but we do have our Uber Lube. Do you feel me scratching those jewels? Yes, yes, yes. I'm ready for you to lie back. Lie back. Yes. That was the direction. It's time for a little sensory play. So as I turn up those tunes, let me plunge you into the darkness while I put this blindfold of debauchery on your eyes. You can let those rhythms tickle that inner ear, but you better keep your attention on me if you want. You can take that. Of not listening to my directions, but I need you to spread those legs. How about those arms while I strap you to my bed. 

Don't worry, Cherie, I got you. You're going to trust Mistress, right? You said you have that safe word ready. Are you sure you remember it well? let me kiss, maybe lick or even suck as I acquaint myself to your texture and taste. Are you ready for a little bit of sharpness as I run my pinwheel across those nipples? How about that? I like, do you? like a little bit of sharpness? It goes very far. Let's see, yes, oh, I see your nature rising a little flick to the toes. Oh, did that hurt? Not enough for Mistress, yes, a little pain to just get you a little heated. It's okay, cherie, I said, I got you don't worry. I see your jewels are tight. Pinwheels to the toes... that hurt, didn't it? I'm sorry. I Are you ready for Mistress to ride? Now I'm ready because I see the pressure is building. It's time for you to climax. I said it's time for you to climax! Oh, you don't like to listen. I see we need to turn on a little bit of vibration. Yes, the vibration, the vibration. I like this. No, you cannot come yet. It is not your time to play. But as I ride now, it's my turn to play. You're not ready. I need you a little harder. Come on, cherie, let's play. Do you remember that safe word? I forgot that you had the gag in! Oh no. I'm not ready for you to respond yet, but I get a blink. One for yes, two for No. it's okay, it's okay. Are you ready to release your devil within? No, you cannot come. This is Mistress' playground. Thank you for giving me your password. 


Karen Yates

[to listener] Storyteller Alan Colorado has been on Wild & Sublime numerous times and is an audience favorite. Here he tells a story, in his words, of erectile dysfunction and super functioning.


Karen Yates  

[live show] Please help me welcome Allen, Colorado!


Alan Colorado  

Allright. Well, it's no secret to anybody that if you have a cock or a dick or whatever, it doesn't always work all the time. But the trick is that when things aren't working, is to not freak out, because everyone in that room, even if it's just one person, they're like, looking to you, because however you react, they're gonna take their cues off of that. And so you just have to remember that that like, if people are like, are you okay? They're not being like, are you okay? They're like, are you *okay*? And you should not freak out. So I like to get ahead of this, because it's still a headache. And so if there's something I want to do, like, some thing I want to make sure my dick does, I try to get out in front of it as much as I can. 


Alan Colorado  

I like, don't drink a lot that day. I don't eat a big meal, and I don't jerk off all day thinking about that great thing that I'm going to do later, right? You're shaking your head, you know what I'm talking about? Oh, yeah. Oh, so my partner and I were taking this vacation to a swingers resort for a week in Mexico, yeah, oh, wow. So, and we're polyamorous and very kinky, and it's like, definitely two different forms of non monogamy. But we're like, fuck it. So it's this all inclusive resort, and it's all you can drink and it's all you can eat. And I'm immediately like, Huh? And come to think of it, how many times am I going to be coming on this trip? Like I'm trying to so I'm just, like, working it out. Because I'm like, I want maximum functionality out of my body, but we get there, and I'm kind of abiding by this rule. I'm like, not drinking too much, I'm not eating too much, and I try to come, like, once a day, at the end of the day, like, do all my fucking and then just be like, Oh no. I'm no, I'm keeping all in the tank, you know, so that later, and then I bust at the nine, I go to sleep and repeat. And it's great. 


And sure enough, this plan works perfectly. I'm in all these different scenes. And I'm like, I'm, this is the greatest day of my life! But I'll see people. And I'm like, You ate too much sushi, you know, and you had too much to drink, and you busted in your wife earlier. I can tell, you know, I I can tell those things anyway, but I could really tell on this trip, no, but so, uh, and so. And then one time, this guy, like, has this problem. And then he, like, leaves the room, and it's really weird. And then the next day, he comes up to me, and he shakes my hand, and he's like, "I'm sorry, man." And all I can think to myself in my head, I'm like, *What* are you talking about? Like, what are you thinking? Like, where are you from? How different is the swinger world from wherever world I live in. How weird is my world? Of course, though, I just said, like, "it's cool," and that was the end of that. So a day or so later, there's this at the resort, in the pool, there's this foam party, and it's a it's not like a giant orgy. It's like a party. Their people are naked, but there's foam everywhere, and they're in this pool, and everyone's having a great time. But my partner and I are, like, big exhibitionists, so we're like, Let's fuck by the side of this pool and, like, give everyone something to watch. And so we get out of the pool and I am, like, completely naked and wearing my sunglasses, and she's like, in her bikini, and she's like, blowing me. And I'm like, looking like this, like, really cool, but really, my eyes through the sunglasses are, like, watching everyone. And I'm like, This is amazing. And, and then, you know, and she's on this, one of these long, you know, pool chairs, and, you know, I'm posing. I'm like, showing off. I'm doing this American Psycho arm. I'm like, having a great time. And really, by this time, like everybody's watching us. And I'm like, All right, so we flip it around. And so I'm like, now I'm on my back in this chair, and all anyone in the pool can see is this, and then above me is like, this is the most beautiful woman you've ever seen, and she's riding me, and she's showing off, and, like, it's this amazing thing. And this is the middle of the day, remember? But at the same time, I'm just like, oh, this is too fucking great. And I'm like, Whoa, ho ho, Get off. Get off. And she gets off. And I shoot into the air, just just a plume of ropey sperm, like, just it goes up like spider man, not even aiming for a building, and and it falls on me like, you can't do that on television, you know? And when it happens, it's not a cheer. It's like the roar. And maybe it's the, maybe it's, maybe it's the blood, the orgasmic blood rushing through my ears as I come, but like, I'm like, Mick Jagger, and I'm hearing Soldier Field like, AHHHHHHH! 

Everyone in the pool is like, screaming for me. Car alarms are going off; there's like villagers hanging out of the window, like banging pots and pans together, like every it's like the most amazing cum ever. And I talk about this because it really is. I think we all have these moments, right? These, these, like, these sexual experiences that, like, we really won't ever forget, because they were so awesome. It was so amazing. And the next morning, the next morning, we go to breakfast, and there's this older swinger there, and he comes up to me, and he puts out his hands to shake my hand. And immediately I'm like, fuck. Don't need another one of these handshakes, but he shakes my hand, and he says, like, "yesterday was amazing," and he didn't even have to say the word cum, because I knew what he was talking about. And I was like, "Yeah, thanks." And he pays me the greatest compliment, like I've, I've ever been paid. And he says, "You know, everyone around that pool knew exactly where they were when that happened. [laughter] He says, "It was like 9/11." [laughter]


Alan Colorado  

And there's only one thing you can say. And I said it. I looked at him, and I said, "Never forget," and I haven't. Thank you very much. [applause]


Karen Yates


And we’ll finish this episode with my Sermon on the Pubic Mound from the May 4th, 2024 show.


Karen Yates  

[live show] So the sex secret that I am holding right now is that great sex starts with yourself, and I'm not necessarily talking about masturbation, though that is a great place to start being with yourself and noticing how you like to touch yourself. What types of touch? Do you like, in general, gliding, touch, light, touch, painful, touch, like scratchy or thuddy or pinching? What kind of tempos do you like? Slow, medium, fast, a combination? These are clues you can follow. 


Karen Yates  

Do you use toys? What sorta are there, some that you've been thinking about buying that might be different for you a little outside of the box? you can also examine what kind of fantasies arouse you. Do you have certain scenarios in your head that are always going to get you off? Have some changed or gone away over time? Are there some that are new and intriguing? 


Karen Yates  

Do you look at porn? What kind are there? Some that are kind of niche, some that you might be afraid of looking at, or some that you look at and then feel bad afterwards for looking at?  Maybe you're looking to expand your self- pleasuring routine. Maybe you're getting bored. Well, why is that? All of these aspects of how you masturbate are insights into your erotic self, types and qualities of touch, toys, fantasy porn and even boredom can be launching points for a more expansive erotic self, and you can get very, very far in your erotic development by using your masturbation routine as a mirror to yourself. 


Karen Yates  

But here's the thing, you also need to watch your inner self, your mind, and I don't mean that in a self restraining way. I mean observing yourself, not to condemn yourself, but in a neutral, dispassionate way, like, "oh, it's interesting that I do that, that I like that. I wonder why?" Or "Now that scares me, and so do the people that do that thing." Or whatever that thing is, or "that's very bad. I would never do that." Great sex or kink, at its essence, can begin with self examination. And why is that important? For a couple of reasons, we as a society are hell bent on building shame into everything, most notably our bodies, our impulses, our sexuality, our gender. And if you can observe your mind, observe the thoughts you have about yourself and others in regards to sex and kink, this will allow you to open a door to greater self acceptance and greater pleasure. 


Karen Yates  

The less you judge yourself, the more you will move into neutrality about your preferences, the more you can give yourself permission to celebrate your unique sexual personality, your unique, magical unicorn self. And isn't that fun? Talk about having a party in your pants. And of course, when you are with someone else, you may be able to communicate with them more easily what you like and what you want. And that is pretty sex positive. 


Karen Yates  

Freedom is not something that somebody gives you, nor is it simply getting wild in bed. It's genuine acceptance of who you are and how you pursue your own version of consensual pleasure. The more you know yourself and shine a light into your own experience, the more it is possible to find contentment. Thank you. Thank you so much for being here!


Well that’s it, folks! Have a very pleasurable week.


Wild & Sublime is supported in part by our sublime supporter, Full Color Life therapy. Therapy for all of you at full color lifetherapy.com thank you for listening. Know someone who’s liked this episode, send it to them. You. And follow us on Facebook, Tiktok and Instagram at Wild and sublime, and sign up for newsletters@wildandsublime.com Got feedback or an inquiry? Contact us at info@wildinsublime.com and we’d love a review or a rating on your podcast player. I’d like to thank our design guru Jean Francois Gervais, music by David Ben Porat. This episode was produced and edited at the Lincoln Lodge podcast studio as part of the Lincoln Lodge Podcast Network.

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